A URL, or a Uniform Resource Locator, is a string of characters that provides the address or location of a resource on the internet. Each web page or other internet resource on the internet has a one-of-a-kind IP address that consists of a combination of numbers and/or letters. A typical URL consists of several parts, including a protocol identifier, a domain name or IP address that identifies the server hosting the resource, and a path that specifies the location of the resource on the server.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
Latest Glossary Terms
- VPN (Virtual Private Network)
- VLOPs (very large online platforms)
- UGC (User generated content)
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator)
- Trusted Flaggers
- Trust & Safety
- Transparency Report
- Ticket
- TVEC (Terrorist and Violent Extremist Content)
- T&C (Terms and Conditions) or TOS (Terms of Services)
- Targeted advertising
- Safety by design
- Risk Assessment
- Removal orders
- Reactive moderation
- Proxy
- Proactive detection
- Personal data
- Parental Controls
- Out-of-court dispute mechanism
- Online Platforms
- Online Marketplaces
- Notice and Action
- NCMEC (National Centre for Missing & Exploited Children)
- Misinformation
- Mere Conduits
- ISP (Internet Service Provider)
- Intellectual property
- Hosting service
- Hate Speech
- Hash-based matching
- Grooming
- Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT)
- Geoblocking
- Flagging
- Filtering
- Fact-checking
- Europol
- Doxing
- Disinformation
- Digital Service Coordinators (DSCs)
- Demonetization
- De-indexed
- Dark Patterns
- Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM)
- Counterfeiting
- Copyright infringement
- Content Removal
- Content Moderator
- Content Moderation
- Complaint Mechanism
- Community Moderation
- Community Guidelines
- Cache server
- Bot Account
- Block
- Ban
- Automated detection tools
- Appeal
- Amplification
- Algorithmic amplification
- Age Verification